We have officially set up shop to work from home, kids are out of school and we are all looking for activities to do at home to pass the time. Scroll down to read some of our favorite things to do!

Like so many other Americans around the country we are working from home and the kids are getting bored. Everyone in the house needs a little entertainment and definitely some distractions! We came up with some categories of stay at home fun we think you’ll enjoy!

While some people will choose to use this time to relax and recharge, it is also a great time to knock out some of those half done projects around the house. An idea here is to FINALLY go through your phone and print the pictures you love or make photo books and delete the 27 other copies that just weren’t as good! Use this time to pair down on the clutter and focus on what is truly important to you.

Crafting is a great use of time especially with small children. Get those creative juices flowing and make art for the sake of just having fun. While it is a stressful time for the world, use this as a time to pause and focus on your passions that get cut out when you are running around your day to day life. You will also create memories with your kids that will last long after Covid.

And while the kids or your partner may be driving you crazy, this is the perfect time to play a board game- or ten- together or to try out a new sport. These experiences will help may inspire new traditions within your family unit and make your relationships stronger. Because, at the end of the day, family is what it is all about.

While the dining options are slim right now, it is also a great time to flex your cooking skills. Try that new recipe, or make that family favorite meal that takes all day to put together. Because dining out focuses on the experience, it can be fun to change things up at your home as well. Maybe use your good china and eat in the formal dining room, or take it to the back yard with a bon fire and cooking over the open flame. Make it fun and create memories that will last a lifetime. Use the evenings to find new interests for your family, like a walk after dinner to the water or park, or dance offs on your gaming system. Take this time to find something that isn’t a part of your old routine because you will never get this time back again.

Be sure to check the CDC for all updates COVID related!

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