The military plays a large roll in our beachside community. While this area may just be a stop on the tour for some military members, many decide to make it a permanent home when their commitment to the country is over. Here are some tips to make moving to a military base near Destin easier.

Call TMO to pick up your HHG because you are PCSing to Destin NLT July 30. That’s what a lot of us are hearing right now, and the acronyms can get worse, just like your move if you aren’t prepared for the next adventure. Luckily, we have 5 tips to give you the lay of the land so you know what to look out for.


1.  Eglin Housing

 While most bases do provide on base housing options, they also offer Temporary Lodging Facilities (TLF) to make your transition from one location to the next. The same goes for Hurlburt Field, which is another base in the area. Because military moves tend to happen in mass quantities, known as the PCS season, you may have to look for alternate accommodations if the TLF’s are full. Luckily, many hotels, many even on the beach, have a military rate within budget so you can take some time to relax during the busy moving shuffle.

2. Allegiant Flights

 Being in the military means you don’t always get to be near friends and family. Typically speaking, time off is spent driving to see friends and family because they usually live in one place and your family is the only missing link. So, it would only make more sense for your family to travel to them. Fortunately, Allegiant Airlines has cast a large net in affordable airfare. Not only can you fly out of Destin at an affordable rate to many big cities, but family can also get to the Emerald Coast at a more cost effective rate as well. And while they are here, they get to enjoy the view of our emerald waters and sugar beaches.

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3. Stress

Stress is a part of everyone’s life, but the military can serve up a special kind of headache. The constant nomadic lifestyle can take a toll, and while it builds resilience, it also helps to live in a place where you can get away from it all and decompress. If the beach scene isn’t for you, Northwest Florida has great campsites as well as land for hunting and lakes and rivers for bass fishing. This is usually when people start to fall in love with the Destin area. You can easily be at the beach one minute and then after a short drive be in a completely different atmosphere. It is definitely the best of both worlds.

4. Community Outreach

Moving every few years can really take a toll on your social life, so when you get here it’s a great idea to explore what Destin and the surrounding areas have to offer. While you are on the search for your new friends, you may as well do some good in your new community and pitch in wherever your interests may be. Local churches are a good place to start as well as community programs helping today’s youth, or maybe even beach clean ups.

5. Entertainment

When you first find out where you are moving, the never ending researching begins. Where are the best schools, neighborhoods?? Next comes the entertainment. You ask yourself if this new place will have anything to offer you, and the answer here is a hard yes. Besides the fantastic shopping and dining, the activities are endless. This area is so supportive of the military it isn’t uncommon for many businesses or excursions to offer up a discount so don’t be afraid to ask. Destin always has something going on whether it is a 5k, concert, farmers market or festival so be sure to get out there and see what this town has to offer!

The military will take you all over the world and back again, but the Destin community is one of the most welcoming to its military members. With a little bit of effort, you will easily find your tribe and enjoy your life on the beach!


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