Buying a new construction home definitely has its perks. When it comes to having peace of mind on your recent purchase, it feels like the safest bet because everything is new. However, just because it is new construction doesn’t mean you can sleep on that final inspection. Watch the video below to catch our tips on top 5 issues new construction final inspections might find so you won’t be left in the lurch.

Tip #1: The HVAC. Always check the HVAC. One of the most costly appliances in your home is worth a double and triple check to make sure installations were made correctly. There could be leaks from improper installation, or the thermostat might not be installed properly,  These are both easy fixes, but if you don’t know what you are looking for it can turn in to a costly repair. Another thing to watch for would be the blower setting. It might be set at the wrong speed, and this is something that is normally adjusted when the unit is installed and is based according to square footage.

Tip #2: The Plumbing. With plumbing, the most common things to look for are leaks and reversed hot and cold settings. Both of these are quick fixes and aren’t usually a big deal, but it still needs the attention given so you can walk in on move in day with no issues.

Tip #3: Structural Defects. This one is probably the hardest for the untrained eye to spot so this is where your inspector really comes in to play. Making sure foundation is solid is imperative. The grading could be off which would only cause you headaches later when drainage doesn’t run off properly. The framing of your house is probably the most extensive list to look at, and you need to be aware of a laundry list of possible mishaps. The smallest of issues could be shim gaps all the way to incorrect hardware and installation.

Tip #4: Electrical Problems. Wiring is one of those things that should be handled by the professionals so don’t try to do this on your own! While a new construction home will have correct wiring, they may have installed it improperly or connections may be loose. The circuit breakers are always a homeowners go to for any electrical issue, so it makes sense to make sure that everything is ran accordingly and that the breakers aren’t overloaded.

Tip #5: Windows. Checking windows to see if they were improperly installed should be fairly easy to navigate. If you feel a draft or see any leaks after a rain, the windows were most likely installed improperly and need to be remedied so it doesn’t become a costly issue down the line with not only a higher air bill, but damage to your house.

When you are purchasing new construction you have a few options to help you navigate the final inspection checklist. One option is to hire general contractor that will inspect the entire home and will charge you based on the square footage of the residence. Another option would be to hire multiple people to inspect their area of expertise, and the cost is roughly the same as a general contractor. Whichever you decide, be sure to educate yourself on the basics so you can have informed discussions about whatever the findings may be. If for whatever reason you forego a final inspection, do yourself a favor and get the builder’s warranty that typically runs for a year.

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